
20160405 Shuichi-Kato [A History of Japanese Literature] The Modern Years Vol.3 Kodansha international p.210








Nogami Yaeko 1885- the daughter of wealthy brewer of Usukicho, Kyushu, went to Tokyo at an early age, graduated from Meiji Women’s High school, married the future No scholar Nogami Toyoichiro and, after becoming a pupil of Soseki, wrote many novels including MeiroThe Maze, 1936-56, interrupted by the War.
This novel gives a detailed picture of the Marxist movement, at whose stormy centre much of the action takes place, from the early thirties until the outbreak of the Pacific War.
As an interior history of a generation of Japanese intellectuals, the survivors of which were to play a dominant role in postwar literary and intellectual life, it stands alone.
Further, the choice as hero of an ex-minister of Bakufu and grandson of the Senior Counsellor Ii who devotes his life to No and in his old age directs scathing attacks on the Meiji imperial-bureaucratic state and the militarism of the thirties, allows the author to attack the Emperor system from two sides, from the standards of the Tokugawa system on one hand and the critical social thought of Maxism on the other.
For this reason too the novel has a permanent place in the history of modern Japanese thought.
